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Links to Media Coverage!
The Merchandiser, May 2019 May 1, 2019, As a featured vendor in the May 2019 Issue of The Merchandiser Magazine, this article talks about the McNaughton Siblings building a unique business from the ground up.
The Costco Connection August, 2016 - The Costco Connection features businesses that started while the founders were still in college - check out Patrick and Jamie in "Sibling Success"
Channel 12 News, CCX Media May, 2012, A Plymouth Based Inventing Machine -- News coverage on Patrick's inventing and the McNaughton's business.
Makobi Scribe April 19, 2012, Makobi Scribe is written by Kelly, a other of 3, who lives in Knoxville, TN. Read her review of our Hanging and Hummingbird Soda Bottle Bird feeders! Kelly graduated from nursing school in May 2011 but decided to put her career on hold so she could home school her 10 year old son who has autism.
Plymouth Magazine July, 2011, Green Inventors - Green Businesses in Plymouth Minnesota, You have to scroll to the last part of the article for the segment on the McNaughtons.
My Springfield Mommy - Birdfeeder September 17, 2011, Check out this review on our Soda Bottle Bird feeder from My Springfield Mommy
School Bus Fleet Magazine January 7, 2011, Buckle Guard Pro deters children from unbuckling their seat belt while riding in a motorized vehicle
School Bus Fleet Product Highlights January 2, 2011, GO the the "pages" menu and click on page 53 to see the article
Frugal Family Fun January 2, 2011, Frugal Family Fun features the Buckle Guard Pro
My Springfield Mommy November 14, 2010, Keep your kids buckled up in their car seat with Buckle Guard Pro.
Center for Adoptive Medicine October 15th, 2010, Buckle Guard Pro, The Center for Adoptive Medicine
School Transportation News September 17, 2010, New Buckle Guard Pro, School Transportation News Magazine
Overdrive Magazine Dash Mat Pro, featured in Overdrive Marketplace, February 2010
The Garden Corner Show John Karssenboom, host of The Garden Corner assembles the Gadjit Soda Bottle Bird Feeder. Tualatin, OR
Girl Scouts Visit McInc Offices!
We were honored to host local Girl Scout Troop # 13766 at the McNaughton Inc offices and assist them in earning their Eco Action Badge! The Girls had a brief tour and learned about inventing and creating new products. We also talked about earth friendly practices such as re-use, recycling, bird feeding, and bird habitat. Each Scout constructed and decorated her own Soda Bottle Hanging Feeder to take home. Hats off to the Plymouth MN Girl Scout Troop, a very special, eco-friendly group of young ladies! Thanks for visiting us! For more information on our Bird Feeding for Kids program, click here.
News Releases from McNaughton
Buckle Guard Pro Debut Buckle Guard Pro Debuts at ABC Kids Show, Louisville Ky, September 26-28, 2011
New Color for Soda Bottle Birdfeeders! April 8, 2011, McNaughton's Value Feeder will be wearing a new color this spring - Terra Cotta! McNaughton will be taking pre-orders starting on Tuesday April 12th and orders will actually start shipping on April 15th.
Cup Keeper Cup Holder Adapter for Summer Travel April 4, 2011, McNaughton Inc. Reintroduces Cup Keeper Cup Holder Adapter (just in time for Spring and Summer Traveling). Due back by popular demand!
Encourage Kids to Feed Birds AND Reuse Soda Bottles! December 13, 2010, McNaughton Inc Encourages Kids to Feed the Wild Birds and Re-use Empty Soda Bottles!
A New Holiday Tradition You Can "Stick" With! November 4, 2010, Plymouth, MN, McNaughton Incorporated
Buckle Guard Pro Now Available! November 23, 2010, Plymouth Minnesota
News Flashes!
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